OBM 3.2.1 release

We're happy to announce the release of our latest version of the product: OBM 3.2.1. This is a version that is mostly adding some new features to the provisioning API (also called [PAPI](http://obm.org/wiki/obm-provisioning-api))

## What's new in this release?

This version now adds two new features to PAPI:

* Ability to import ICS from PAPI (see [OBMFULL-6492](https://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/browse/OBMFULL-6492))
* Ability to import VCF from PAPI (see [OBMFULL-6498](https://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/browse/OBMFULL-6498))
* Ability to create AddressBook from PAPI (See [OBMFULL-6508](https://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/browse/OBMFULL-6508))

## This version is yours!

As in any OBM release, the product is fully open source. Sources can be fetched [using the GIT SCM](http://obm.org/content/obm-git), and is packaged for [CentOS6](http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-3-centos-6), [CentOS7](http://obm.org/content/install-obm-32-centos-7) and [Debian Wheezy](http://obm.org/content/install-obm-31-debian-wheezy).

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