
Vietnamese translation

The OBM core team is proud to announce the official Vietnamese translation of OBM web interface.
![My Account](/sites/default/files/media/images/field/image/obm_vi.png)

Released with [version 2.5.7](/blog/obm-257-release), this translation brings OBM to 91 million potential customers in Vietnam and adds up with the existing Chinese translation to cover a large part of Asia!

OBM 2.5.7 release

Version **2.5.7** is now available for free download and free upgrade. It replaces version 2.5.6 or any older major version.
You should also upgrade your OBM Connector if you use Thunderbird (Connector [****](http://obm.org/mozilla-addons/obm-connector/stable/tb17/) for version lower than 17 and Connector [**4.0.3**](http://obm.org/mozilla-addons/obm-connector/stable/tb24) for the latest Thunderbird 24 ESR version).

OBM 2.5.6 release

Because we wish you a happy new year 2014, we released version **2.5.6** today with a lot of improvements, new features and bug fixes.. As usual, it is available for free download and free upgrade. It replaces version 2.5.5 or any older major version.


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