OBM summer barcamp 2

Our OBM Barcamp was a great moment, all folks actively involved in OBM gathered in Lyon for a big brainstorming and one goal: improve our communication with the external world and especially by replacing our old ugly web site. We are still working on it in order to have many new functionnalities adding to the new design:

  • an active link to our git account
  • automatic build of documentation (html, pdf) which will be versionned and linked to an OBM specific version
  • a tool to organize internationalization of obm with statistics to see how well my language is supported in OBM
  • a new system of comment on major pages
  • an integrated chat linked to #obm on freenode
  • new content more up to date, tour of the product, new screenshots, screencasts…etc

And as you can see on few images, we brewed our own beer. But due to license restriction, this will not be integrated in our brand new web site.

We all hope to put online our work soon…stay tuned again !

