OBM 2.5.1 released

Version **2.5.1** is now available for free download and free upgrade. It replaces version 2.5.0 and can also be upgraded if you are still using one of the older major version.

# What's new in this release ?

## Improvements

* Calendar alerts are now inherited with all Read/Write users displaying the shared calendar
* A python script has been added in the packaging to purge a user's address book
* OBM is now translated in Chinese


* The security policy is now configurable by OPush server. It was hardcoded before. For example, you can now force users to have a password protecting logging on the smartphone via Opush.

## Bug fixed
##### ui
* With a double-click in the month calendar, an allday event was not created
* Events created with templates were using duration configured in the template instead of the one chosed with a drag'n'drop
* Log in was case sensitive
* A shared calendar in ui was sometimes lost after a specific sequence
* Events with resource named with character ':' were not synchronized
* Errors when creating a new user with some description
* It was possible to add a new contact in an addressbook in Read (and not write) mode
* Some vacation messages were not taken into account
* Using freebusy (check availability) was sometimes removing organizer and ressources already added in an event
* Some events in a shared calendar might launch an error and cannot be edited
* Restoring several times could fail
* It was not possible to create several hosts with the same IP address
* Mailbox restoration was deleting existing emails received after the backup
* Contact advanced search was broken with Internet Explorer 8
* Some allday events were displayed on 2 days in the freebusy (check availability)
* Because of bad encoding in ICS export, shared calendar were not retrieved
* Some events created close to DST time were only displayed after a refresh
* Wrong end date when modifying a 2-day, all-day event

##### obm-sync
* Some external contacts could be displayed as (null) in events

##### Thunderbird-connector
* External event status was not updated
* Rarely, connector purge could fail
* Popup to restart Thunderbird after an upgrade sometimes showed twice

##### opush
* Some emails were not sent and raised an error
* Some queries during first synchronization of a device were slowing the initialization
* A loop occured in very specific case when fetching an email
* On a first synchronization, useless deleted objects were sent
* Sometimes attached images were not retrieved on Android smartphones

##### healthcheck
* Spushnik integration in healthcheck was not compliant with https

##### automate
* Automate was failing when a vacation message contains double quotes

##### packaging
* Some DataBase upgrade script were missing on postgreSQL
* obm-satellite was stopping logging after a while
* The backup cron task has been moved to a contribute folder

# How to get it ?
See the [JIRA issue navigator](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jq...) if you want to see more details. You need to be logged in to access it.

As in any OBM release, the product is fully open source. Sources can be fetched [using the GIT SCM](http://obm.org/content/obm-git), and is packaged for [CentOS](http://obm.org/content/install-obm-25-centos-6) and [Debian](http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-debian-squeeze).Sneakers