OBM 2.5.2 is available

Version **2.5.2** is now available for free download and free upgrade. It replaces version 2.5.1 and can also be upgraded if you are still using one of the older major version.

# What's new in this release ?

## Improvements
* Our java applications starts even if database is not up and running. They start and keep trying to establish a connection to the database
* In order to make deletion of emails faster on a smartphone, EXPUNGE is called only once for each mailbox

## Bug fixed
##### Web based user interface
* In the domain view, opush-frontend is no longer displayed twice

##### Smartphone synchronisation via opush
* A modification of an event done on a iOS device is now updated in the database
* With some smartphones, a HTML body part was not forwarded
* It was not possible to log as a user with some special characters in the password
* "Load more" on Samsung Galaxy SII is now completely functional
* An ics attached to an email is now retrieved as an attached file on Samsung smartphones
* An animated gif is correctly retrieved on Samsung smartphones
* An image in a signature is now correctly displayed on all smartphones

##### healthcheck
* Our healthcheck now supports multi-domain configurations

##### automate
* To avoid mishandling, a mailshare can no longer be deleted by another user having rights on it

##### packaging
* The plpgsql language is always declared during an installation on CentOS with postgreSQL

# How to get it ?
See the [JIRA issue navigator](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jq...) if you want to see more details. You need to be logged in to access it.

As in any OBM release, the product is fully open source. Sources can be fetched [using the GIT SCM](http://obm.org/content/obm-git), and is packaged for [CentOS](http://obm.org/content/install-obm-25-centos-6) and [Debian](http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-debian-squeeze).Air Jordan XI 11 Kid