Mozilla news

Hello all,

the OBM core team is actively working on the thunderbird side of OBM. We are working on several aspects:

First of all, in order to help us in this endeavour, the core team is pleased to announce that we now count among us Philipp Kewisch, the lead developer of the Lightning extension. Philipp is working with us to include into the extension all the bits needed to make OBM work. The ultimate goal is for the users to be able to use the obm-connector extension without an OBM-patched Lightning.

For this to happen, we also bring into the Lightning code some of the improvements added by the OBM team. We already have 5 contributions waiting for love :

The support for Thunderbird 10 is a hot topic at Linagora’s headquarters! We already have a functional version of Lightning (still patched) and an obm-connector running on Thunderbird 10 ESR, and we will improve them a little bit more before posting on the mailing list an access to BETA versions of those components.

Stay tuned for more news of the Thunderbird side of OBM!


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