An [EhCache]( instance is nested in OPush in order to store information related to devices synchronization.
This library manages seven different stores:
* *mailSnapshotStore*: last known state for a given device concerning emails
* *monitoredCollectionService*: collections handled by push mode
* *syncedCollectionStoreService*: sync preferences for each device
* *unsynchronizedItemService*: calendar entries and contacts being sent to a device
* *mailWindowingIndexStore*: emails being sent to a device
* *mailWindowingChunksStore*: emails being sent to a device
* *syncKeysStore*: last known states for each device
Behind those technical stuffs, OPush administrator has to understand what is inside each store in order to manage EhCache configuration.
In order to provide a performant and durable application, the data are stored in memory and on disk.
Each store is configured that way:
* data is stored to disk for durability
* data is stored to memory for performance
* each element is dropped after one month
* elements should be evicted from memory in LRU order
* store acquires a percentage of EhCache memory
EhCache may be configured in */etc/opush/ehcache_conf.ini*
# Default value: half of JVM max memory
## BY CACHE, IN PERCENT (optional parameters)
By default EhCache memory size is half of the JVM max memory, define in jetty configuration (*/etc/default/jetty* on debian).
EhCache memory is shared between the seven stores discussed above, a percentage of EhCache memory is applied on each store (the sigma must be equal to 100%).
The default configuration, shown in the example, is significative of the size of each store inside OPush.
In order to be able to monitore those stores, a [CRaSH]( command has been developped; we will explain its usage later.
Monitoring needs also some configuration, and default values may be adjusted to your needs:
* *statsSamplingTimeStopInMinutes*: sets the frequency used to sample statistics, too long may overload the server
* *statsShortSamplingTimeInSeconds*: the three remaining parameters are based on Linux load average. Short sampling time, used in dashboard command
* *statsMediumSamplingTimeInSeconds*: medium sampling time, used in dashboard command
* *statsLongSamplingTimeInSeconds*: long sampling time, used in dashboard command
**EhCache CRaSH command**
There are actualy three commands:
* *ehcache conf*: displays the actual EhCache configuration
* *ehcache stats*: displays last stats
* *ehcache dashboard*: displays a dashboard refreshed each seconds of EhCache stats
Example of the *ehcache dashboard* command

In this command, the two first parts are static; the statistics part is the only one to be refreshed.
This table shows statistics per store:
* disk hits in one second (statsShortSamplingTimeInSeconds configuration)
* disk hits in ten seconds (statsMediumSamplingTimeInSeconds configuration)
* disk hits in one minute (statsLongSamplingTimeInSeconds configuration)
* memory really used by the store in (byte, kilobyte, megabyte...)
* memory bar and percentage of the usage by the store on his dedicated max memory
**How to configure it well**
When a memory store is full, every new elements added into evicted older elements from memory.
You can check if the cache is well configured, three states can be observed :
1. If a store memory space is too small
* Active elements will be moved to the disk.
* Then, the server will have to search elements on disk which is costly rather than search them in memory.
* In this case you will see the three DISK HITS /s" showing values different from 0 after a few samples.
* --> Increase the size of this store
2. If a store memory space is well configured
* No or few active elements will be moved to the disk.
* Then, most of time, the server will search elements in memory which is really fast.
* In this case you will see in the column "DISK HITS /s" a number often to 0, sometimes 1.
* --> The store seems to have to good memory size
3. If a store memory space is too big
* Many non used elements will be keep in memory.
* Then, your Opush server will use its internal memory to store elements which will never be used.
* In this case you will see in the column "DISK HITS /s" a number often to 0 (but some hit can be shown).
* --> Decrease the store memory until reach the right size
**NOTE** when OPush is stopped every in memory element is moved to the disk.
At startup it's a normal behavior to see many disk hits, wait for the cache to be warm before to configure it.
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