Opush 3.0.1 release

## It is release day for OBM!

The new version 3.0.1 of Opush is as usually available for free download and upgrade!

Among other things this new version provides bug fixes and documentation improvement.

| Key | Summary |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| OP-63 | QUORUM is our default ConsistencyLevel |
| OP-61 | Use latest OBM libs as dependencies |
| OP-56 | Opush 3.0 stores plain password in database |
| OP-48 | Log a summary of changes done by each active-sync request |
| OP-44 | Reduce the number of thread jetty use during tests |
| OP-40 | Access log files should be gz compressed as other logs |
| OP-35 | Support any keyspace name |

Checkout our [documentation](http://docs.obm.org/opush/opush.html) or our [bug tracker](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/browse/OP) to get more!

To upgrade from Opush 3.0.0 follow [this section](http://docs.obm.org/opush/opush.html#_upgrades).New Balance Running Shoes

Opush 3.0.1 release | obm.org


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