Submitted by Anonymous on
The OBM team is proud to present the latest maintenance release of the 2.5 branch, OBM 2.5.11.
This release brings a number of bug fixes:
* [OBMFULL-6436]( Resuming a `ping` request no more throw a IllegalStateExceptionin
* [OBMFULL-6430]( When a SSO session has expired, calendar interactions now correctly redirect to the login page
* [OBMFULL-6429]( "Invalid view" was sometimes erroneously displayed in obm-ui
* [OBMFULL-6428]( OPush is now better at parsing emails containing attachments with multiple key-value names
## Issue tracker
The complete list of fixed issues can be found in our [issue tracker](
## This version is yours!
As in any OBM release, the product is fully open source. Sources can be fetched [using GIT](/content/obm-git), and is packaged for [CentOS](/wiki/install-obm-25-centos-6) and [Debian](/wiki/install-obm-debian-squeeze).
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