OBM available

Version **** is ready and is now the latest stable version to replace other OBM 2.4.2 versions (if you use [OBM 2.5.0](http://obm.org/blog/obm-250-available) you are not concerned by this upgrade).

What's new in this release ?

* Some issues with autoconf and the automaton have been fixed
* We strenghtened the backup system, and specifically the ftp transport
* After a reset, OBM calendar could be unchecked and wrongly renamed in Thunderbird/Lightning, it is now fixed
* An external contact (gmail or exchange user) is now correctly displayed in OBM events. Before it was possible to have a (null) or empty external attendee
* A PHP error has been fixed when creating or modifying a new user with some characters in descriptions
* Another PHP error has been fixed when showing an event in a shared calendar
* Advanced contact search with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 has been fixed
* Double clicking the grid in month view now creates an allday event
* A problem with an event created with the wrong organizer has been fixed. The issue occured with read/write rights, when creating an event in another calendar and displaying only this calendar

Complete list of issues

See the [JIRA issue navigator](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jq...) if you want to see more details. You need to be logged in to access it.

As in any OBM release, the product is fully open source. Sources can be fetched [using the GIT SCM](http://obm.org/content/obm-git), and is packaged for [CentOS](http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-centos-5) and [Debian](http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-debian-squeeze).

Enjoy, and see you soon for other new improvements.Air Max