Mirror mode

Mirror mode allows you to deploy your OBM infrastructure without internet access on remote hosts.

It can also helps you to work on obm-deploy without internet access (eg. in the train).

Be carefull ! Currently, mirror mode only supports OBM 2.x.

#### Table of contents

- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Install source system](#install-source-system)
- [Ensure your remote hosts have access to your computer](#ensure-your-remote-hosts-have-access-to-your-computer)
- [Build ressources directory](#build-ressources-directory)
- [Install a fully fonctionnal web server](#install-a-fully-fonctionnal-web-server)
- [Configure needed virtualhosts](#configure-needed-virtualhosts)
- [Manually install libselinux-python on remote hosts](#manually-install-libselinux-python-on-remote-hosts)
- [Sync time using your own computer (optional)](#sync-time-using-your-own-computer-optional)

How it works [▲](#top-page "back to top")

Mirror mode main goal is to make a copy of all packages and files involved in the installation process on you own computer.

Then, it redirects remote hosts repositories to your computer by hacking their /etc/hosts file and by updating download URLs when needed.

Install source system [▲](#top-page "back to top")

First, you need to install an obmfull system on a remote host with Internet access.

It will be used to copy all needed packages to your local computer.

It's required to use default obmfdull-example without any customization.

For more information about this step, please refer to our [quickstart guide](quickstart.mkd "OBM Deploy quickstart guide").

$ ansible-playbook -i obmfull-example obm.yml

Ensure your remote hosts have access to your computer [▲](#top-page "back to top")

We can't help you at this point.

Build ressources directory [▲](#top-page "back to top")

To build your ressources directory, you need to use [provided shell script](../build-resources-dir.sh "OBM Deploy ressources dir building script").

Install a fully fonctionnal web server [▲](#top-page "back to top")

We can't help you at this point.

Configure needed virtualhosts [▲](#top-page "back to top")

A sample nginx configuration file can be found [here].

An Apache configuration will be provided as soon as possible.

Manually install libselinux-python on remote hosts [▲](#top-page "back to top")

The most important limitation of mirror is that it can't deploy libselinux-python by itself on remote hosts.

You need to install it manually using your favorite package manager or integrate it into your VM templates.

Sync time using your own computer (optional) [▲](#top-page "back to top")

If you have a functionnal NTP server on your computer and want to keep remote hosts in sync with it, you can specify your own IP address in config.yml using **ntp_server** variable.

Otherwise, remote hosts will be synced only once, when you install them.
Nike Air Max

Mirror mode | obm.org


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