Opush 3.0.3 released

Your smartphones, tablets and phablets will thank you today if you upgrade to the latest Opush version *3.0.3*. This is a bug fix release fixing these two issues:

* The "days to sync" option was broken with the latest version, meaning that all data were synchronized instead of the configured range. It is fixed with this upgrade, and only datas you are requesting are synchronized
* With a large collection of new data (more than 65535 items), the synchronization doesn't fail any longer

* See the [JIRA issue navigator](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/issues/?filter=11751) if you want to see the list and more details.

# How to get it ?
To upgrade from a previous version of Opush follow [this section](http://docs.obm.org/opush/opush.html#_upgrades).
Mercurial Superfly Heritage FG

Opush 3.0.3 released | obm.org


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