Provisioning: profile API

Profiles API


This document details the end points related to the user profiles of OBM.

The default exchange format is JSON.


In this document we take /provisioning/{apiVersion}/{domainUUID} as the base URI of REST end points. This will be called {baseURI} in the rest of this document. The notation {serverBaseURL} represents the root URL of the REST server, e.g.: The notation {apiVersion} represents a string linking to the version of the API that the client want to use (e.g.: "v1") The notation {profileId} represents the profile identifier The notation {domainUUID} represents the OBM domain universally unique identifier we are working on.

Representation of a profile


This endpoint returns the (partial) representation of a user profile.

REST information

  • method: GET
  • endpoint: {baseURI}/profiles/{profileId}
  • query string parameters: none
  • return code: 200 on success, 5xx on errors
  • returned content on success:

      name: string // Name of the profile
  • returned content on error: see "standard errors"

Listing all profiles


This endpoint returns a list of all profiles.

REST information

  • method: GET
  • endpoint: {baseURI}/profiles/
  • query string parameters:
Parameter Description Data type Default value
details Whether we should send back all the profile details instead of just the id and URL Boolean False
  • return code: 200 on success, 5xx on errors
  • returned content on success:

        profiles: [{ "id": {profileId}, "url": string }, {}, ...] // List of user profile identifiers and URLs
  • returned content on error: see "standard errors"