
Brand new OBM 3.0.0 is available for free

The OBM Core Team is glad to present the latest and greatest version of the product, version 3.0.0. This is a major version with many improvements. Please read carefully this article and all upgrade and installation notes before upgrading.

## What's new in this release?

OBM 3.0.0 comes with a number of enhancements for the end users, goodies for the system administrators/developers/integrators, more automatic testing for a better quality and a lot of bug fixes and improvements.

### New User Interface

OBM 3.0.0-rc1 is ready for testing!

The OBM team is very proud to announce the availability of version 3.0.0-rc1 of OBM.

OBM 3 brings a lot of new features and improvements that will be fully explained when the 3.0.0 release is out, but here's a short list of what's new:

* Unified user experience (with a new top bar and notifications!)
* Integrated Roundcube webmail
* A REST provisioning API (details [here](/wiki/obm-provisioning-api))
* [Debian Wheezy](/wiki/install-obm-debian-wheezy) support

OBM 2.5.7 release

Version **2.5.7** is now available for free download and free upgrade. It replaces version 2.5.6 or any older major version.
You should also upgrade your OBM Connector if you use Thunderbird (Connector [****]( for version lower than 17 and Connector [**4.0.3**]( for the latest Thunderbird 24 ESR version).


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