
## OBM-Sync configuration

### Controlling the encoding of invitations in notification emails

OBM-Sync sends _notification emails_ when an event is created, updated or deleted and also when attendees accept or decline invitations.
These emails contain an ICS as a _text/calendar_ MIME part. This ICS is handled by email clients (e.g.: Thunderbird with Lighting displays a blue bar to accept or decline the invitation).
The encoding of this _text/calendar_ part is, by default, automatically chosen by OBM-Sync depending on the actual content of the ICS. As of OBM ****, a new configuration setting is available to force the encoding to a given value. This setting might be defined in _/etc/obm/obm_conf.ini_ on the OBM-Sync server, as follows:


The valid values are:

| Value | Meaning |
| -------- | -------- |
| Auto | This is the previous behavior: automatically detect proper encoding. This is the default value if the setting is not defined. |
| Base64 | The ICS will be encoded in [Base64]( |
| QuotedPrintable | The ICS will be encoded in [quoted-printable]( |
| SevenBit | The ICS will be encoded in [7bit]( |