OBM released

We are proud to announce the official release of OBM version now downloadable from our public repositories (Debian and RPM). See [documentation](http://obm.org/content/downloads-sources) for install instructions and various links.

### OBM is now compatible with:
+ Debian Squeeze...and still with CentOS 5, CentOS 6 and Debian Lenny

### Bug fixes
+ PDF printing of week views has been fixed
+ It was possible to delete an entire serie of a recurrent event when trying to delete only one occurence
+ There was an Issue when deleting an event with a resource, title was incomplete in the email sent, or a php error could be displayed
+ Emails received by resources owners for an event being created, updated or cancelled have been improved in French and English (depending on your system)
+ In the web interface of the calendar, a monthly (day) event could be added at the wrong place in the calendar with a specific workflow
+ When dates are set up to be displayed in AM/PM format, users can create events in the afternoon

If you have a Jira account for OBM, you can access to the exhaustive list of our issues [here](http://bitly.com/VYeS2H).

[Click here](http://ci-obm.linagora.com/jira/secure/Signup!default.jspa) to sign up, follow us and contribute !Nike React Element 55