Customizing contacts' display name

Starting from version, the [Thunderbird connector]( supports a custom _display name_ for contacts. This means that you can override the default "FirstName LastName" format.
As a reminder, here's how the connector handles the _display name_:

* If a contact or user has a _commonname_ attribute defined in the OBM database, this value is used and takes precedence over anything else.
* If not, the connector builds a display name using a custom rule. Before version, the rule simply used "FirstName LastName".

To use a custom format, you can edit the advanced property __extensions.obm.addressbooks.displayName.defaultFormat__ in Thunderbird's _configuration editor_. This property accepts a _String_ that can contain tokens that will be replaced by actual contact properties.
The available tokens are:

| Token | Meaning |
| ----- |
| %FirstName% | The contact's first name |
| %LastName% | The contact's last name |
| %NickName% | The contact's nickname |
| %PrimaryEmail% | The contact's primary email address |
| %Department% | The contact's department or division inside the company |
| %Company% | The contact's company |

#### Examples

Following are some examples of custom _display name_ formats.
All examples use this contact information:

* John Doe
* Working at Linagora as a Software Developer

| Format | Example |
| ----- |
| %FirstName% %LastName% | John Doe |
| %LastName%, %FirstName% (%Company%) | Doe, John (Linagora) |
| %LastName%, %FirstName% (%PrimaryEmail%) - %Company% [%JobTitle%] | Doe, John ( - Linagora [Software Developer] |Lebron James Shoes