Submitted by Anonymous on
## Requirements
Opush is included by default if you have installed obm-full.
If that's not the case, you can always install it with (if you're on deb based distribution) :
# aptitude install opush
During installation, you are asked to provide the following information. You have to use same configuration than your OBM one.
You can look at your _/etc/obm/obm_conf.ini_ file:
external url of OBM: your_obm_server_address
Host IP address for OBM LDAP server: (default) ← optional
Type of OBM database server: PGSQL(default)
Host IP address for OBM database server: your_database_server_address (this value has two signification, this is the Database server ip and also the obm-locator service ip, that's why obm-locator and obm-storage are on the same machine)
OBM database name: db_name_of_your_obm_install
OBM database user name: db_user_of_your_obm_install
OBM database user password: db_password_of_your_obm_install (you have to put something, else it will refuse blank password)
## Apache configuration
In the OBM Apache configuration file, located at _/etc/apache2/sites-available/obm.conf_ add these lines :
ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
ProxyPassReverse /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync